
  • Trees ready for planting.


Coming Events

  • May 25-Hike to the Sonoma Coast
    Join us for an outing to the Sonoma Coast!  This four mile hike led by Forest Unlimited will cover some beautiful, diverse terrain including verdant grassy slopes and a miniature hilltop forest of oak, fir and redwood.  The route will feature expansive views of the ocean and the Russian River delta. During this educational hike we will ...
  • August 3-Dinner Under the Redwoods
    Forest Unlimited’s popular fundraiser Barbecue Under the Redwoods is being planned for Saturday, August 3, 2024.   Stay on the lookout for more information at this website and in our newsletter the Forest Communique’.  It is our chance to meet Forest Unlimited supporters, celebrate our victories, enjoy good  food and music, and learn more about ...