Forest Unlimited regularly reviews Sonoma County logging plans filed with the California Department of Forestry (CalFire). Generally we oppose plans that will damage the productivity of the forest, the integrity of endangered and threatened species habitat, or water quality. We challenge unsustainable logging plans such as clear cuts.
When we encounter a bad plan, we organize the local community to opposed it and submit public comments to the official record which provides the legal grounds for a successful lawsuit. Often CalFire will alter the plan in response to our comments motivated by a potential lawsuit.
Sometimes neighborhood or watershed groups bring to our attention a logging plan. We help them understand the review process, hold workshop in forestry law, and counsel them on strategy. We also help with fundraising in case a lawsuit seems likely.
We have organized or aided over 30 groups since 1995 and prosecuted many successful lawsuits overturning CalFire’s approval of detrimental logging plans. In the process we have set several important legal precedents. For current information on Sonoma or Napa County logging plans click below: